DMA Progetti is an engineering company at the forefront of its field, representing excellence in civil and structural engineering. DMA is a team made up of qualified specialists dedicated to parametric design, offering innovative solutions in various fields such as civil and industrial structures, curtain walls, bridges and viaducts. Thanks to our in-depth technical knowledge and the use of cutting-edge software, we develop tailored calculation procedures to maximize the efficiency and the effectiveness of all projects. Our know-how ranges from the advanced structural design to the building physics, allowing us to manage and successfully complete complex projects. Thanks to its constant commitment to R&D, DMA Progetti stands as a benchmark for those seeking expertise and reliability in the field of engineering. We guarantee a full service that covers all aspects of the project, from support during the tender stage to the construction phase. Working with DMA means relying on a team built on quality, innovation and sustainability, with a focus on the market dynamics and the stakeholder needs. Turning your ambitions into solid, secure, and impactful realities…that’s the goal of DMA Progetti!​

SEDI OPERATIVE: Trento, Rovigo, Siena, Piacenza, Verona


Our mission is to represent the most advanced and innovative engineering in civil and structural engineering, providing uncompromising excellence. We are committed to transforming the architectural visions into reality with innovative and customized solutions that meet the needs of industrial and civil structures, curtain walls, bridges and viaducts. Our promise is to combine technical knowledge with the use of cutting-edge tools to maximize the efficiency of all projects, enabling us to tackle the most complex challenges around the world.​


DMA - i nostri progetti





Le partnership rappresentano un pilastro fondamentale del nostro approccio al lavoro. In questo contesto, siamo orgogliosi di essere partner di FCS Studio srl, studio di progettazione e ingegneria. Questa collaborazione esprime il nostro profondo impegno verso la sinergia e il lavoro di squadra. Coniugando le nostre competenze, offriamo servizi d'avanguardia in ingegneria delle facciate, progettazione e ingegneria civile, lavorando a stretto contatto con i migliori appaltatori e architetti per soluzioni innovative e di qualità. Insieme, miriamo a definire nuovi standard nel futuro dell'ingegneria civile.

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